Thursday, January 10, 2013

Paul the Blessing Pig

Hi Guys!
So I'm not doing resolutions this year, kinda. This year I am going to count my blessings, be thankful for all that I do have and not focus on what I don't. And I'm here to tell you how I plan to do that.
One of my favourite bloggers Courtney Walsh is teaching another class with Big Picture Classes this year called Home Blessings. The idea of this course is to use crafty ideas to put your blessings on display in your home. The first week Courtney showed us her "blessing bird", a ceramic bird, she had covered with blessings. Because I'm cheap, I headed down to my local Sally Ann. There, I found a ceramic piggy bank. It wasn't actually what I wanted but the more I walked around store, the more I came back to this pig. As I was driving home I came up with this great idea, I could fill the pig with my blessings and at the end of the year I could empty the pig and see all the wonderful blessings I have. The final product is Paul the Blessing Pig. I don't know why his name is Paul, it just is.

Isn't he cute? Now just to find a place to put him so I can fill him up!