Dear little girl I almost knocked over in the airport - That is why it is dangerous to text and walk at the same time....keep your head up.
Dear Tania - I agree, people who don't walk on moving floors in airports are annoying.
Dear Katie - Thanks for letting me visit this week..I so needed a holiday.
Dear Malaga - I understand that you only have 60 days a year of rain...why did you have to have some of them while I was here?
Dear Carmen - Thank you for having good taste in art...I truly enjoyed visiting your collection in Malaga.
Dear Tapas - Sometimes you are weird and sometimes you are so tasty. Who knew eggplant and honey cane would go so nicely together.
Dear wedding cake church - I understand why you have a 3 year wait list for are so beautiful.
Dear Spanish bugs - Seriously? You know those bites are going to leave a mark, right?
Dear Malaga city centre - you are the most pretty at twilight.
Looking forward to the weekend!