Hi Friends!
I'm so happy to tell you that my very first workshop Soul Book went really well. We were a small group, though I believe the women that were meant to be there, were there. I know many of you expressed interest in join us but were in available this time around, don't worry I will be doing this again. More on that at the end of the post.

The weather outside was not awesome but inside was nice and warm and cheery. We had two crock pots filled with warm winter food and cheese filled turkey wraps (I've been enjoying those left overs), a perfect combination of comfort foods. I had opted for a pot luck lunch and I will totally do that again. As women, even when we are meant to be guests, we want to help the hostess and having a potluck was the perfect way to make this happen. And I was able to be completely present because I didn't have to be away from them, preparing our lunch.

Each women came with their own crafty skills, we had a sewer and a painter, and they used those skills in their books. Two completely different beautiful books were created. Because we were a small group, I worked on my sample book, using mostly only a glue stick and paper. My objective here is to show a very simple example, proving that ANYONE can complete this project.
There was complete silence while we cut out our statements. But, it wasn't until we got to the end of the day and the women shared some of the pages they made, that I knew that is project is life changing. I could see that it was doing for them, what it had done for me. It was pretty cool to watch that.

Soul Book is a beautiful gentle reminder of who you really are. A reminder that your life makes a difference. It's even more special because you make it yourself. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity take this course, so I've decided that as long as I am meant to teach, Soul Book will always be offered for FREE. Check out my workshops link on the side panel and you will see my next Soul Book offering there.
I hope this find you well. Love you!
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