Sunday, April 29, 2012

My journey through Soul Restoration 2 - Week 2

Hi everyone,
This week in SR2 we were to create our mission statements with prompts from Melody. I'm going to share mine. My short mission statement is very close to Melody's, it spoke to me and I wasn't sure I could write anything better.

Short mission statement
I will remember, in all things that I do, that I want to guide my life and my decisions with these qualities that I value the most, unconditional love, unconditional faith, unconditional gratitude, optimism and authenticity.

Long mission statement

I know that I am my very best self when; I sing, when I create, when I bake, when I serve others without putting myself last and when I trust in GOD and his plan for me.

I know that because I have unique weaknesses, I need to avoid times when I am wasting time on the computer, getting sucked into media experts’ advice, engaging in destructive relationships, participating in gossip and when I allow others to determine my self worth.

I will be most a peace and happiest when I spend my personal life creating, singing, spending time with family, praying, having alone time, traveling and learning new things.

I will be most at peace and happiest when I spend my work life serving others, learning new things, making an impact and refraining from gossip.

 I will seek out times when I can use my inborn gifts to comfort others, be the family historian and memory keeper, make music and spread love.

I will take care of my body and soul in ways that are personal to me including; going to yoga, walking, enjoying the foods I love, drinking water, not stressing about every calorie, reading, singing, dancing, creating, praying, learning about my faith and spending time with family.

I know that I am meant to love and share that love with others.

I will work hard to be known as someone who lived well and loved well and never let that love go unspoken.

So there they are in a nutshell, I'm sharing them because it will help me to be accountable. So if you know me and I'm not living my mission statements, call me on it.
Love you!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My journey through SR2 - Week 1.

Hi everyone,
If you have been reading my blog, you know that I am in love with the girls over @  Brave Girls Club. I have taken a number of their online classes and have learned a lot about myself and about being creative. No words can explain how much they have changed my life. I've been in a period of transition for awhile now, trying to figure out who am and who I want to be. The Brave Girls courses have really helped give me tools to figure it out.
I've been impatiently waiting for Soul Restoration 2, since the beginning of the year, since I think that it is the next step in my self discovery journey and I'd like to share some of it with you. The course is designed to look to the future, what do you really want? I know what I want, I always have. I've wanted to be a nurse, a wife and a mom for as long as I can remember but I'm stuck. I'm a nurse but I'm not a wife or a mom yet and it doesn't look like either of those are going to happen anytime soon. So what do I want my future to look like in the meantime? I'm really hoping SR2 will help me figure that out. It also occurs to me that I've been in the same nursing job my whole career ( almost 9 years) and I'm thinking it might be time for a change but I have no idea what that might be.
This week the focus was to fill out our "fun sheets" (a journaling exercise that will be used later in the course). I have to admit that I've had to dig deep and I still don't know the answers to some of Melody's questions. The art project for this week was to prepare our art journal and decorate the cover if we had time. The class suggests starting with a new journal but I still had tons and tons of room in my SR1 journal, that I've decided to use it. So instead of a cover, I created a title page.

Disclaimer, while the final project belongs to me, some of the art work incorporated into project was provided thru Brave Girls Club course materials.
So for the next 5 weeks, this is how I will be spending my time. I'm planning to blog each week and I hope you will come back and check it out.
Much Love!

Monday, April 2, 2012

31 things

Yesterday I turned 31. So here is my list of 31 things that I'm looking forward too or plan to do this year that I'm 31.

  1. Go to my oldest friend’s 30th Birthday party.
  2. Say goodbye to my One Tree Hill friends one last time and then probably re-watch all 9 seasons on DVD.
  3. Finish my first ever paying scrapbooking gig (hopefully in the next couple weeks).
  4. Soul Restoration 2 by Brave Girls
  5. Finish the rest of the Harry Potter movies with my mom.
  6. Finish reading the Harry Potter books again.
  7. Attend 3 bridal showers for my sister Patti.
  8. Plant a magnolia tree in my yard in memory of my step dad, Denis.
  9. Scrapbook more about my faith.
  10. Patti and Ryan’s Buck and Doe.
  11. Paint the deck.
  12. Be my Dad’s assistant when he puts in a new tub surround in the bathroom.
  13. A photo shoot and not a wedding related one either.
  14. Dance barefoot at my younger sister Patti’s wedding.
  15. Make an effort with those who matter and stop trying with those who don’t.
  16. Kiss my cousin Roo’s baby girl once she is here.
  17. So far I have 4 teddy bears to make.
  18. Another Supernatural marathon with my brother Tim.
  19. Learn something new, not sure what that is yet but something.
  20. Possibly a trip to Spain this fall, while my sister Katie is there.
  21. Play with Alexis, cause she’s not much for cuddling anymore.
  22. Make Alexis’ Christmas present.
  23. Spend a few days with my girl Fez and her daughter Miranda.
  24. Cry when my Dad and Sandra move (this isn’t something I’m really looking forward too but it’s gonna happen).
  25. More gum surgery, I’m only looking forward to this, in the fact that I’ll be done for awhile.
  26. Finish my “The year I was 30 scrapbook.”
  27. Another year out @ Grey Roots.
  28. Beach days with Liz.
  29. Scrapbook more of my history, for example scrapbook more old photos and also scrapbook more family stories, I’ve got a great one about my Grandma’s mom and superstition.
  30. Keep Listening
  31. Be the girl I was meant to be, even if that means I have to be different than everyone else.
Thanks for stopping by.