Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My journey through SR2 - Week 3

Good morning!!
So I'm a bit behind blogging about week 3, as week 4 started yesterday. I had a busy amazing weekend and then was home sick Monday and Tuesday. Still not really feeling the greatest, thinking this week is pretty much a write off. Anyway back to week 3 of Soul Restoration 2.
This week was about goals. Big, little it didn't matter. Just as long as they were goals you were willing to sacrifice for. The idea is that this book we are making will be a continuous thing even after the course is over but we are only to focus on three goals during the class. While I was thinking of goals, this is what I created.

I got this idea from Melody @ Brave Girls. This is something I have struggled with a lot. As a society we are constantly being told that we are not enough, that we don't have enough, we aren't pretty enough...true no one says "not enough"  but the message is clearly there and we tell each other that all the time. We as a society criticize each other way more than we praise and celebrate each other. I use to read Cosmo every month for 4 years and I had to stop b/c the message that was I was getting was "Be yourself but don't be yourself too much because you wont fit in, or you wont get the guy" and that is crap. I am enough and my true friends love my weirdness and the guy (whomever he will be) will love my weirdness too and I his. YOU are enough. Sure, sometimes we could do better and that's okay. That's life, it kicks our butts sometimes.

So on to my goals.
1. Photo Shoot - This is something that I already had planned but had been put off. It was also something that I was very nervous to do, so I thought I would start there. I completed this goal on Friday. Julia is an amazing photographer. Her and Meg (from Megz Make-up) made me feel so at ease and they are a great team. My sister Patti said that Julia really captured my inner beauty. My Dad didn't even know it was me! I couldn't believe that was me. Sure, I know I clean up pretty good but man I must see myself with different glasses, I guess than everyone else. I am so pleased with what I have seen so far and can't wait to see the rest. It was such an empowering thing and the glow lasted all weekend. Every woman should get their photos taken by a professional @ least once in their life and wedding shots or family photos do not count. It needs to be just you and the's an amazing experience, one I wont forget for along time.

2. Refresh a garden plot - So I have a really big garden, like really big. To be honest it overwhelms me. I know nothing about gardening. My Mom loves to garden and she always had gardens @ every house we lived in but I never got involved much. So I know nothing.  So I decided to break it down in small areas and focus on one area @ a time. I've picked a small plot under the bathroom window which is currently filled with crab grass. I've picked it because it is small and there is nothing in the garden I wish to keep, so I can just start over. I've written each step out and I plan to start next week.

3. Learn to play the guitar - Now this is a funny one. It's something I've thought about doing here and there for a long time. I can play the piano (although I'm sure I'm really rusty) and I sing in the church choir. I really miss being able to play something and since I don't have room in my little house for a piano, learning guitar seems like a good alternative. Now I wasn't sure I was going to add it to my goals this time until I went to my sisters Buck and Doe this weekend and one of the raffle prizes was two half hour guitar lessons taught by a friend of hers. I took this as a sign and entered at least half of my raffle tickets into its bag. And I won!! So I added it to my list of goals. I haven't booked my lessons yet because I really should get a guitar first. I'm going to start looking in the next couple weeks.

I'm really excited about my goals so far and they have really helped me focus on the things that I really want and have, instead of dwelling on what I don't have.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Christa! I had glamour shots taken when I was 30. They are amazing! I look like a movie star.
    I was given 3 guitar lessons for my 50th birthday. I do have a guitar, so I will have to book the lessons and get started. I worry about sore fingers... but worth the pain.
