It started early off early @ my church for a..... conference I guess you could call it. Two of the United Churches in my town are in talks together with the intent to amalgamate, so this has gotten us thinking about our future and what we need to do to make it a stable one. Lots of changes are going to need to be made and it's going to be hard work. The good news is we are evaluating this at the right time. We have many years left before we would just have to walk away if we continue as we are doing. And from the sounds of it, not many want to continue with just what we are doing.
Then I went to the library to their "making room" book sale and got some really good finds. Five hardcover books for five dollars and some fairly recent ones at that. I also went to the chip wagon for fries even though it was raining. So good.
Then I headed over to my old elementary school for an open house. They are tearing it down this summer in favour of a new school. It makes me sad b/c I spent many happy years there and my Poppa went there as a boy. This is the second school that I have gone to that will no longer be standing. I walked the halls that seemed so big back then with a girl who was one of my best friends then. Both of us looked at each other when we passed the taxidermy case filled with animals and said "We must have repressed that memory." In the gym there were scrapbooks. I don't who but during the years that I went there someone toke the time to cut out all the newspapers clippings about students and former students from my school. There I was with my sister Patti and our next door neighbour Allie pushing doll carriages. Darryl looking exactly the same. Zeke snow boarding. And Jay a classmate of Patti's who passed from cancer. I was amazed that some toke all that care to save those things, to know to look for our names. That is why scrapbook. As I entered my second grade class, I remembered another reason I scrapbook. My teacher Mrs R. had us scrapbook for some of our assignments. I think Mrs R. deserves a post all on her own, so here is just a quick look @ the books I made, that my mom toke the care to keep for me.
This is from my LOVE BOOK. It's funny but in my own way, I have been scrapping ever since. I have albums and albums of photos and clippings. I've been collecting, way before I toke my first scrap booking class.
Anyway, I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to say goodbye to my school but when I got home I was exhausted. I had no energy to do anything. Good thing it was raining!
I did manage to whip up this little book about my 30th b-day.
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I used box board, punched holes in, covered it with paper and used ribbon to hold it all together. I used the button my family made me wear on the front cover. |
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I included the invite my Dad sent out from Lexi. I had to fold it up, so it would fit. I also included the funny card on the right that Liz gave me. |
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Added some stickers and pictures. |
I'm happy with how it turned out. I have never made a mini book before and it worked out perfectly for these pictures.
Anyway, I've got to run. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
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