Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pencil Lines 247 - The pipes.

Here's a LO I did based off this sketch from Pencil Lines.

It worked well for this photo of my cousin Roo playing the bag pipes @ his wedding. It wouldn't be a family wedding without them.

I'm adding a close up of the photo, b/c if you look closely, there is a lady in a blue dress with her hands up in the air....yeah that's our Grandma. As you can see she is having a great time.

Sketchy Thursdays 7.21 - Dance.

Hi everyone,
After working all weekend, yesterday I decided to play with some photos I have recently gotten processed. I used this sketch from Sketchy Thursdays for some pictures from my cousin Roo's wedding.

It was perfect for some pictures of their first dance, as well as Unc dancing with his daughter, my youngest cousin A.
As I mentioned before this wedding was a blast. I'm really looking forward to Roo's sister's wedding on Labour day weekend.
Well that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Creative Scrappers - 163 - Nana Jenings' rocking chair

Hi everyone! Happy Canada Day long weekend!!! Happy Independence Day to all my American friends out there. I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend where ever you are.
I spent the wrap up to my long weekend working on a LO based on a Creative Scrappers sketch.
Journalling reads: Nana Jenings is my Nana's mom. This rocker was her favourite place to rock babies or contemplate life. The arm rests are worn where she rested her hands. Right now it sits in my living room. Hopefully someday it will sit in a nursery and I will rock my babies in it.

Thanks for stopping by!