Today I went over to my Nana's to make gingerbread houses with my cousins J and A and my brother Tim. This is a tradition that my Nana started when I was a kid...before the twins Katie and Tim were even born. The night of my Dad's detachment Christmas Party my Nana would babysit Patti, Danny and I. My Nana being ever so creative thought it would be fun to make a gingerbread house one year. We had so much fun, that we started doing it every year. We've learned a lot since that first time. Nana use to make the gingerbread but we found out that it was much easier and less frustrating to buy the kit and if you are buying the kit you need to buy extra candy b/c it will never be enough. We've also learned to let the houses "sit" before we decorate them otherwise the house will fall over. My Nana has learned to "let go" a little and let us play even if it isn't a perfect house. The new rule this year was that we weren't allowed to eat any candy until our roofs were done (we almost ran out last year b/c A couldn't stop eating the candy and frankly neither could I!). Over the years we've made gingerbread houses, bird houses made out of graham crackers (which Danny kept for many years) and when the twins were babies we tried a carousal (epic fail, it kept falling over and the twins cried the whole time). Oh and one year J really wanted to make an igloo, so we made it out of sugar cubes, which A also had a hard time not eating even though he was only one or two. The boys did a great job this year. Both all most independent.
Nana helping J |
A working on his. |
The roof on my house..Nana loved this idea. We had never done a roof like this one before. |
A with his house, all done. He thinks his mom would love this picture! |
J with his, giving himself bunny ears. :) |
It use to be a tradition before J and A were around that we smashed them after dinner on New Years day @ Uncle D's b-day (J and A's dad) but there have been a few tears when it was smashed over the years until we got older. So we haven't done that in a long time. I generally just pick away at what is still eatable for a couple weeks.
I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season. I'm working nights over Christmas but am finally starting to feel the spirit. I hope that every one gets to spend some time with their friends and loved ones!
Merry Christmas!!
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